
Welcome to the Cork Time Bank!

What is Time Banking you say? Read on. . .

Time Banking is a means of exchange where your time spent helping your neighbors and building a strong commuity is turned into a cashless currency.

It’s an indirect bartering system as opposed to direct bartering between to people which requires a coincidence of wants. In other words, if you are a plumber and you fix a car mechanic’s drain, but you need guitar lessons, not car repair, with direct batering, it ends there and you're out of luck. However, with time banking, you can barter directly with the car mechanic and bank the time working for him in the time bank and spend your earned hours on a guitar lesson from someone else and round it goes.

Softwear is used to track transactions. Nothing changes hands and you can run a deficit to begin. Members contact eachother from an online directory to get services. You decide what skill to offer up in the directory for people to choose from. From house cleaning, to web-design, health care to carpentry, to offering to go to the market for someone. You can list multiple skills and the limits are as endless as our imaginations. Everyone’s time and talent is considered equal, your time is exactly equivelent to another's.

Sounds great right Corkians? Let's get started. Help us make a time bank for the Cork Community!

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